
2023 / 01 / 01  20:41

For overseas facilitators who are teaching


Some information for overseas facilitators is added to 「認定者様用 page」.

Please refer to the information below.

Thank you.




The fees on "the Steps of Pastel Mandala-Artwork Courses" sheet are minimum prices when you teach the official courses in overseas countries.

Please set the prices in your country by converting them into your currency.


<The Official Courses>

◉Basic Master Course - 14300JPY

◉Expression Training Course - 57200JPY+12000JPY

◉Mandala-Artwork with Numbers - 16500JPY/each


※These prices are recommended average ones you can refer to (not minimum).

They are adjustable depending on the length or the purpose of your class.


◯Trial Lesson - 3000JPY/2hrs

◯Mandala-Gathering - 3500JPY/2.5hrs



認定者様用 page


Please also check "Pastel Mandala-Artwork Policies" sheet for other rules in teaching.